Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement – Atomic Vapor Store Online Magazine

Introduction: At Atomic Vapor Store, we are committed to operating our online magazine in a responsible and ethical manner. We recognize the importance of combating modern slavery and human trafficking, and we strive to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from such practices. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps we have taken and continue to take to prevent modern slavery within our organization and among our suppliers.

Our Business and Supply Chains:

Atomic Vapor Store operates an online magazine that provides information, articles, and reviews related to vaping products and the vaping industry. While our business primarily involves the creation and dissemination of digital content, we understand that modern slavery can occur at any stage of the supply chain. Therefore, we are committed to working with suppliers who share our values and principles.

Policies and Due Diligence:

We have implemented policies and procedures to prevent modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. These include:

·        Supplier Code of Conduct: We have developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets out our expectations regarding labor practices, human rights, and ethical conduct. We require all our suppliers to comply with this code and adhere to applicable laws and regulations.

·        Supplier Assessment: We conduct risk assessments of our suppliers to identify potential areas of concern related to modern slavery. We evaluate suppliers based on their commitment to human rights, labor practices, and compliance with applicable laws.

·        Contractual Obligations: We include clauses in our contracts with suppliers that require them to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Non-compliance may result in the termination of the supplier relationship.

·        Employee Awareness and Training: We provide training and awareness programs to our employees to ensure they understand the risks and indicators of modern slavery. This empowers them to identify and report any concerns they may have.

Monitoring and Reporting:

We are committed to monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of our efforts to prevent modern slavery. This includes:

·        Internal Audits: We conduct regular internal audits to evaluate our compliance with this Modern Slavery Statement and related policies.

·        Supplier Audits: We may conduct audits of our suppliers to assess their compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct and to identify any potential risks related to modern slavery.

·        Reporting and Whistleblowing: We encourage our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery through our established reporting channels. We take such reports seriously and will take appropriate action to address any identified issues.

Continuous Improvement:

We recognize that addressing modern slavery is an ongoing process. We are committed to continually reviewing and improving our practices to ensure that modern slavery remains eradicated from our operations and supply chains.

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect our evolving efforts in combating modern slavery and human trafficking.


Atomic Vapor Store Online Magazine